We invite you to read the current offer of product solutions. We offer steel products, pumps and industrial fittings, with which we supply all branches of domestic market.

We operate comprehensively, providing a wide range of interest of the highest quality products that we offer. Based on many-years-experience, knowledge and excellent feel for the market, we provide our clients with everything they need, and even more. Don’t you believe it?

For 18 years we have been distributing both conventional metallurgical raw materials, as well as those designed for highly specialized applications. With three groups of assortment, which are the base of our offer, we guarantee our customers the supply of a variety of comprehensive technology solutions.

Only with us you have a chance to complete all of your order in one place, both in terms of quantity and assortment. Based on everything which was said before, our services meets the needs of the largest Polish companies. So if the market giants, who always looks for the highest level of cooperation, regularly use the services of our specialist engineers – you can trust us too!

Our high level of awareness of professional service to business partners, supported by certified Quality Management System ISO 9001 since 2000, built the „iron” principles of our company. The best proof that RAFSTAL is fast-developing company is the continuous presence in the prestigious ranking Business Gazelle since 2006.

We strongly believe that the cooperation with our company will bring you a lot of benefits and satisfaction.

Rafstal to hurtownia stali nierdzewnej i żaroodpornej. W naszej ofercie znajduje się także stal narzędziowa i kwasoodporna oraz kotłowa. Oferujemy różnego typu zawory i przepustnice. Zajmujemy się pompami obiegowymi i głębinowymi, a także armaturą przemysłową. Serdecznie zapraszamy do zapoznania się z ofertą naszej firmy, gdzie każdy klient znajdzie coś dla siebie - made by station75 - Wszelkie prawa zastrzeżone 2012 © Rafstal.

The Sales Department of Steel Products:


The Sales Department of Pumps and Industrial Fittings:


The Quality Control Department:




The Logistic Department:


The Accounting and Human Resources Department:


The Marketing Department:


Jeśli chcesz pracować w renomowanej, dynamicznie rozwijającej się firmie – RAFSTAL jest właściwym miejscem.

Oferujemy komfortowe warunki pracy w profesjonalnym, zintegrowanym zespole. Cenimy samodzielność oraz zorientowanie na cele. Szukamy kreatywnych, pełnych pasji ludzi, bo to właśnie ludzie są filarem naszej firmy, a ich sukcesy determinują nasze istnienie i rozwój.

Jeśli interesuje Cię praca na jednym z następujących stanowisk:

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