Archive for styczeń, 2013

Business Gazelle 2012

Posted on: 30 stycznia, 2013 by admin No Comments

On 23 January took place a crowning ceremony of Business Gazelle for the year 2012. Ceremony for the province of Silesia and province of Opole was held at Trade Fair and Conference Expo Silesia in Sosnowiec.

Immediately after the official opening ceremony was a discussion leading by sponsors of the event which was oscillating around the issue of the economic crisis.

The highlight of the evening was the award ceremony. The representatives of rewarded companies was receiving the awards and diplomas on the stage.

We are proud that for the seventh time met us the honor of being in the ranking of Business Gazelles! Thanks everyone who contributed to this success!

We’ve received a Certificate of Business Credibility!

Posted on: 29 stycznia, 2013 by admin No Comments

RAFSTAL was awarded by an international intelligence agency Dun & Bradstreet Poland Certificate of Business Credibility for the highest rating given to stability of the company in 2011.

Among the winners of this prestigious award include companies with the highest and high stability assessment confirmed on the D&B Poland. Financial data awarded companies will guarantee a high level of profitability, financial liquidity and ability, and at the same time inform the negligible level of debt and overdue payments.

D&B Poland specializes in drawing up commercial reports on companies from around the world – prepares the reliability assessment based on:
1. analysis by the payment of morality DunTrade ®,
2. analysis of financial ratios latest available financial statements,
3. Poland’s largest relational database of corporate and personal information.

Relacja z Gali Finałowej Gazele Biznesu 2012

Posted on: 25 stycznia, 2013 by admin No Comments

W dniu 23 stycznia odbyła się uroczysta Gala Finałowa wieńcząca 13.edycję rankingu Gazele Biznesu za rok 2012. Ceremonia wręczenia dyplomów dla województwa śląskiego i opolskiego odbyła się w tym roku w Centrum Targowo-Konferencyjnym Expo Silesia w Sosnowcu.

Zaraz po oficjalnym rozpoczęciu uroczystości obdył się panel dyskusyjny prowadzony przez przedstawicieli sponsorów wydarzenia oscylujący wokół zagadnienia kryzysu gospodarczego.

Głównym punktem wieczoru była ceremonia wręczenia statuetek i dyplomów Gazele Biznesu 2012, które na scenie odbierali przedstawiciele przedsiębiorstw wyróżnionych w 13. rankingu najbardziej dynamicznych małych i średnich firm Gazele Biznesu.

Jesteśmy dumni, że po raz siódmy spotkał nas zaszczyt znalezienia się w rankingu Gazel Biznesu! Dziękujemy wszystkim, którzy przyczynili się do tego sukcesu!


RAFSTAL uhonorowany tytułem „Przedsiębiorstwo Fair Play”!

Posted on: 18 stycznia, 2013 by admin No Comments

Ogólnopolski program „Przedsiębiorstwo Fair Play” istnieje na polskim rynku od 1998 roku. Ocenia on wszystkie aspekty funkcjonowania spółki, w tym także styl i sposób jej prowadzenia. Tegorocznej XV edycji programu towarzyszyło hasło przewodnie: „To ludzie tworzą firmę”. Program promuje zasady etyki i kultury przedsiębiorczości w biznesie tworząc z nich priorytetową ideę – zasady etyki rozumiane są w tym kontekście jako stosowanie norm rzetelnego postępowania we wzajemnych relacjach przedsiębiorców z kontrahentami, klientami, pracownikami, wspólnikami, społecznością lokalną oraz władzą lokalną i państwową.

7 grudnia 2012 odbyła się Gala Finałowa XV edycji Programu „Przedsiębiorstwo Fair Play”. Uroczystość odbyła się w Sali Kongresowej Pałacu Kultury i Nauki w Warszawie. Stanisław Wołoszyn, Prezes Zarządu firmy RAFSTAL, odebrał z rąk Pana Miłosza Omastki dyplom informujący o przyznaniu tytułu „Przedsiębiorstwo Fair Play”.

Jesteśmy dumni z uzyskanego tytułu, szczególnie, że pierwszy raz braliśmy udział w programie „Przedsiębiorstwo Fair Play”. Dziękujemy za to wyróżnienie!

RAFSTAL supports nearby schools

Posted on: 17 stycznia, 2013 by admin No Comments

In the run-up to Christmas in all of us is the need of giving and sharing everything what’s best with our love ones. In this particular time, we have supported the functioning of several nearby schools handing gifts in the form of balls to volleyball and football.
In the Municipal School No. 4 in Piekary Slaskie we passed the balls to the hands of the Student Government Presidents during the traditional annual Tournament of Santa Claus, which took place on December 6.

December 8th in the Public Primary School No. 3 in Tarnowskie Góry we have passed the gift the Headministress Mirosława Waleczko during the ceremonial beginning of the Open Day.

Municipal Elementary School No. 5 in Piekary Slaskie already use balls supplied by us – the pupils are appreciating the new equipment so they put even more effort and passion in weekly meetings during SKS training.

We are pleased that our small gesture provoked a smile on the faces of the youngest.
We wish you great fun and sporting success!

SteelMET anniversary

Posted on: 17 stycznia, 2013 by admin No Comments

6 and 7 November took the V International Fair for Steel, Non-ferrous Metals, Technologies and Products Steelmet 2012. This event is dedicated to the metallurgy of steel and non-ferrous metals, steel service centers offering and distribution of steel products (sheets, rods, tubes), technologies, devices, control and measuring apparatus and the latest solutions for the steel industry.

During the meeting in Silesia’s largest steel industry could not miss RAFSTALu. Despite the gloomy and rainy weather prevailing in Sosnowiec, in the center of ExpoSilesia turnout of visitors showed a rising trend. At our Exhibitions, in turn, thanks to the many visitors there was a warm atmosphere.

November 7, the second day of the fair Steelmet, was the fourth conference of the steel industry. This time the main theme of an event organized by the Polish Union of Steel Distributors was: „The steel market in Central and Eastern Europe.” According to the organizers of the fair STEELMET:

The meeting is now permanently enrolled in the calendar industry professionals, which proves its great prestige and importance.

Industry had a great opportunity to bump their opinions and observations of many others during the discussion on the condition of the steel market. They talked about current trends and directions of development of the sector on the basis of the market situation of the main consumers of steel.

The conference made the visitors were even more than the first day.

We would like to thank all the visitors fair SteelMet who visited us! We are pleased that we were able to welcome you!

150th anniversary of the HYDRO-VACUUM SA

Posted on: 17 stycznia, 2013 by admin No Comments

One of the biggest Polish producers of pumps and pump systems, Hydro-Vacuum SA based in Grudziadz, is our business partner for 17 years. Hydro-Vacuum regularly invests in research and development, to make their products more environmentally pleasant, but above all – for the user. The main advantage of Hydro-Vacuum is preserve appropriate balance between price and high quality of their products.

In gratitude for the long-term distribution of Hydro-Vacuum, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the company, we received a gift – a beautiful picture of Grudziadz.

We would like to thank Hydro-Vacuum SA for this delightful present. We hope that our very good cooperation will continue to grow in the future and we are sure that together we will achieve even more!


Posted on: 17 stycznia, 2013 by admin No Comments

At this year’s Fair Industry Technology and Equipment Water – Sewage HydroSilesia 2012, which took place on 24 and 25 October, we took part in a competition organized by the Association of Silesian Water Supply.

The aim of the competition was to recognize and reward the most interesting, innovative products, services and solutions on topics related to water supply and sewerage industry. The criteria for evaluation of submitted products and services was their innovation, functionality and usefulness, energy efficiency, environmental performance and economic efficiency.

To the competition we reported Grundfos product – Smart metering pump DDA, which is characterized by simplicity, modularity and intelligence. This device has a precise and simple setup and intuitive user interface. Requirements and performance of the pump adapts to any environment and situation. Smart DDA with intelligent flow control allows full control at all times, and what’s more – it ensures the highest processes reliability. Smart dosing pump Grundfos DDA has guaranteed us the first prize of the Association of Silesian Water Supply!

Thank you for your commitment Grundfos company which was invested in this project, as well as for making available a presentation product.

IV HydroSilesia Fairs

Posted on: 17 stycznia, 2013 by admin No Comments

24 and 25 October we have been exhibitor on the fourth edition of the Equipment and Technology Fair of Water and Sewerage Industry HydroSielsia 2012.

Remembering last year’s success, this time we decided to take part in the competition organized for fair exhibitors again. With the participation and commitment of a world leader in the manufacture of pumps – Grundfos – we reported to the competition Smart Digital dosing pump DDA.

To our delight, the competition selection board as representatives of the Association of Water Silesian Province has appreciated our product very highly by giving us the Main Prize of the whole contest!

We would like to thank all visitors of our stand at HydroSilesia!

RAFSTAL wspiera okoliczne szkoły

Posted on: 4 stycznia, 2013 by admin No Comments

W okresie poprzedzającym Święta Bożego Narodzenia w każdym z nas budzi się potrzeba obdarowywania najbliższych i dzielenia się tym, co najlepsze z drogimi dla naszego serca osobami. W tym szczególnym czasie wsparliśmy funkcjonowanie kilku pobliskich szkół wręczając prezenty w postaci piłek do siatkówki oraz do piłki nożnej.

W Miejskim Gimnazjum nr 4 w Piekarach Śląskich piłki przekazaliśmy na ręce Przewodniczących Samorządu Uczniowskiego podczas tradycyjnego, corocznego Turnieju Mikołajkowego, który miał miejsce 6 grudnia.

8 grudnia w Publicznej Szkole Podstawowej Nr 3 w Tarnowskich Górach w trakcie uroczystego rozpoczęcia Dnia Otwartego, prezent przekazaliśmy Pani Dyrektor Mirosławie Waleczko.

Miejska Szkoła Podstawowa nr 5 w Piekarach Śląskich już korzysta z przekazanych przez nas piłek – dzieci doceniając nowy sprzęt wkładają jeszcze więcej wysiłku i pasji w cotygodniowe spotkania podczas SKSów.

Cieszymy się, że tym drobnym gestem wywołaliśmy uśmiech na twarzach najmłodszych. Życzymy wspaniałej zabawy i sportowych sukcesów!